Mint Release Note 29-03-2024

Welcome to Investwell Release Notes. We are pleased to inform you about the updates to our software done this week.

Read through and stick till the end to know about the exciting changes made by us just for you.

Feature Updates

Portfolio Screener Changes and Improvements: 

The Portfolio Scre­ener menu has be­en renamed to Inve­stor Data Mining and a new report has been added that will enable the advisor to download Unrealized Capital Gain for all investors in bulk or based on any specific user level like Family Head, Relationship Manager, Sub-broke­r, and more. This report give­s advisors an overview of unre­alized gains across their Mutual Funds and Shares. The report will be added to the downloading queue and will be available in the Downloads section in Data Management once completed.

Follow the below steps to download the Unrealized Capital Gain report in bulk

Login to Investwell >> Investor Data Mining >> Capital Gain Unrealized


Follow the below steps to download the report

Login to Investwell >> Data Management >> Downloads


User Hierarchy Bulk Upload Made Super Easy:

In the latest release, we've streamlined the process for clients to bulk upload the user hierarchy, making it exceptionally straightforward. We've made slight modifications to the sample file downloaded, ensuring it's easy to understand. Additionally, any changes made at the advisor level, such as renaming hierarchy levels for convenience, will not impact the bulk upload process. 

Follow the below steps for User Bulk Uploading

Login to Investwell >> Setting >> User Setting >> Upload 


Improvements in NAV History:

In the recent update, users can now see the highest and lowest NAV values for the scheme they searched for in the NAV history. This information is useful for NRIs filing their income tax returns, as the maximum and minimum NAV values are required in that form.

Follow the below steps to check NAV History for any scheme

Login to Investwell >> Utilities >> Market Data >> NAV History


Merge SOA Download History to Download Menu:

In this update, we are merging the SOA Download History menu with the Download Menu present in Data Management, This step is taken to reduce the redundancy in our system. 

The Download menu consists of a log of the following requested reports

  • Unrealized Capital Gain (Excel) 

  • Lost Brokerage (Excel)

  • Statement of Account

Follow the steps below to download the SOA file

Login to Investwell >> Data Management >> Download


Improvements in Portfolio Valuation Reports:

In the recent update, we have fixed the holding period filter present in the Portfolio Valuation Report. Now, if the holding period of the ELSS scheme is above 3 years, it will be categorized under the Long Term section. Similarly, if the holding period is below 3 years, it will be categorized under the Short-Term section.

Follow the below steps to download the Portfolio Valuation Report

Login to Investwell >> Investor Dashboard >> Report >>  Portfolio Valuation Reports


Allowing Multiple IP Address Support:

In the recent update, users now have the ability to add multiple IP addresses, enhancing convenience for accessing the software from different locations without compromising security. Previously, the system did not offer the option to add multiple IP addresses for users. 

Use Coma to add multiple IP Addresses

Follow the below steps to add IP addresses

Login to Investwell >> User Setting >> Select User Type >> Edit user(Action Column) >> Add IP Address



Adding Transaction ID in Brokerage Income Report, When Grouped by Rate

In the latest update, we've included a new column for Transaction ID in the downloaded Brokerage Income Reports when grouped by rate. This addition will be essential for tracking, auditing, and maintaining accuracy in income details. It will help in maintaining transparent communication and enabling accurate financial analysis.

Note- In the Excel File Transaction ID is mentioned as TXN ID

Follow the below steps to Download the Brokerage Income Excel Report

Login to Investwell >> Brokerage >> Income Detail >> Group by Rate >> Apply >> Click on Count


Click on the Excell icon to download the file



Below are the Bugs resolved

Cash Flow Data not Showing in the Back Office Login:

A user reported an issue where, while checking the Cash Flow data, the data was not showing when viewing from the back office login. However, the same data was visible when checking from the Admin login. Our development team has rectified the bug associated with this issue, ensuring smooth operation and accurate data retrieval for all users

Follow the below steps to check Cash Flow
Login to Investwell >> Business Analytics >> Cash Flow


Allow to import 0 current value entries in Bulk Import

We've fixed an issue in the Other Assets Bulk Import feature. Now, users have the option to import entries with a current value of 0 from the other asset's current value file.

Follow the below steps to Bulk upload

Login to Investwell >> Data Management >> Create Transaction >> Other Assets >> Bulk Upload


Unable to Generate SIP Business Report in Excel Format with Filter as Group by Subbroker:

Users experienced difficulty generating the SIP Business Report in Excel format from the Backoffice login when selecting the group by Subbroker or RM option. An error message indicating "something is not good" was displayed. Our development team has successfully addressed this issue, ensuring seamless generation of the report without errors.

Follow the below steps to download the SIP Business Report:

Login to Investwell(Use Back Office Credentials) >> Business Analytics >>  SIP Business Report

Thank You!
For using our product and being part of our valued user community. We greatly appreciate your support and the feedback you have provided, which has been instrumental in shaping our product. 

We value your input and would love to hear your feedback on this latest release. If you have any suggestions, ideas, or experiences to share, please let us know. Your feedback plays a crucial role in shaping our product and ensuring it meets your evolving needs. 

For any assistance, Please Contact

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