Product Updates dated 08.12.2022

Minor Releases

1. Portfolio Performance - We have added a start date column for the Mutual Fund asset class, indicating the first purchase made in a folio. This start date column is available in all view types i.e. On-screen, PDF, and excel.

A) Select View type : On-Screen >> Group by : Folio >> Click on Apply


B) Select View type: PDF >> Report type : Category/Sub-Category >> Click on Apply

C) Select View type: Excel >> Report type : Category/Sub-Category >> Click on Apply

2. Brokerage Payout Process and Verify Payout & Post - We have added an ARN filter in both the sub-menus of the Brokerage menu.

3. Brokerage Income Detail -  We have added two additional columns of EUIN and ARN in the excel export of the Transaction-wise Income detail Brokerage report.

4. Configure IP Restriction - We have introduced an IP check feature for all user types below Admin. Now you can enter multiple IP addresses while creating/editing any user and the user will be able to log in from the entered IP addresses only. If you have 1 IP (via VPN) for your company you may provide that to us and we will configure it for all your organization's users.

5. SIP Mining - We have given an ARN filter in the SIP mining report through which you can see SIP details ARN-wise. This is helpful if you have multiple ARN and you want to see SIP Book details under a particular ARN.

6. BSE AOF Submission - We have changed the AOF processing from PDF to TIFF to reduce the rejections given by CAMS. . If you have any UCCs whose AOF has been rejected kindly reupload their signature and cheque images from the below path

A) Invest Online BSE >> Profile List >> Activate UCC

B) Submit Document

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