Whenever you sit with your clients to review their portfolio and want to modify it you want to know what would be the modified portfolio's asset allocation. You would also want to know what would be the Capital Gain if you were to sell some investments. Would it be long term or Short term gain in case of partial redemptions? Can we take advantage of the 1 Lakh taxable gain exemption for investments that are Long Term equity? To help answer these questions we have added a new Report in the Investor portal under the Reports menu called "Portfolio Rebalancing Report".
This is a simulation builder to calculate what would be the change in Equity-Debt Allocation and Capital Gain should you choose to
Add More investments in existing Portfolio of schemes
Add a New Scheme to the Portfolio or
Redeem any amount from the Current Portfolio of the Client
The amount entered in the Add or Subtract field in the 1st Table doesn't have any effect to the Actual portfolio of the client in the system. It's just a hypothesis on what would be the allocation change and capital gain if you were to adjust the client's portfolio before actually punching the transactions with the RTA.
A PDF format for this report is under development and we welcome suggestions around it that you would have experienced during on the ground client interactions.
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1 Comment
Surat Commercial Private Ltd.
almost 3 years ago
Please give the option to filter (select) clients, also show clients running SIP we can also advise them to stop SIP and add new SIP.
Anuj Jain
Whenever you sit with your clients to review their portfolio and want to modify it you want to know what would be the modified portfolio's asset allocation. You would also want to know what would be the Capital Gain if you were to sell some investments. Would it be long term or Short term gain in case of partial redemptions? Can we take advantage of the 1 Lakh taxable gain exemption for investments that are Long Term equity? To help answer these questions we have added a new Report in the Investor portal under the Reports menu called "Portfolio Rebalancing Report".
This is a simulation builder to calculate what would be the change in Equity-Debt Allocation and Capital Gain should you choose to
The amount entered in the Add or Subtract field in the 1st Table doesn't have any effect to the Actual portfolio of the client in the system. It's just a hypothesis on what would be the allocation change and capital gain if you were to adjust the client's portfolio before actually punching the transactions with the RTA.
A PDF format for this report is under development and we welcome suggestions around it that you would have experienced during on the ground client interactions.
3 people like this